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June 22, 2011


function [ fixStruct ] = codeFixationsDist( eyeTrack, windowSize, viewThreshold )


 June 22, 2011
 Notes: This function codes the eye track sequence according to the fixations
   It checks to make sure that the fixation is not immediately at start of
   sequence (from fixation slide) and eliminates this fixation if necessary
   We identify fixations using the IDT algorithm
 syntax: [ fixStruct ]  = codeFixations( eyeTrack, windowSize, viewThreshold )
       eyeTrack: vector  of complex (x+i*y) coordinates.  -1-i1  to identify
           missing data. Data should be scaled according to the image dimensions.  
           See function 'scaleEyeTrack'.
       windowSize: integer of consecutive frames which should be within a
           threshold of distance from one another (to be considered a
           fixation) , ( 6 is good value for 60 Hz)
       viewThreshold: euclidean distance within which eye positions are
           considered part of same fixation, 15 is a good number for 30 px
       fixStruct, having 
       fixStruct.fixDurVector: vector of (fx1),  for duration of fications
       fixStruct.fixPosVector: in format [ x x x ... x; 
                                                          y y y ... y]
       fixStruct.fixationVector: (N by1) vector having 0 where no fixations, then 1, 2 ,3,
           and so on for the fixations in the sequence


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 % June 22, 2011
0002 % Notes: This function codes the eye track sequence according to the fixations
0003 %   It checks to make sure that the fixation is not immediately at start of
0004 %   sequence (from fixation slide) and eliminates this fixation if necessary
0005 %   We identify fixations using the IDT algorithm
0006 %
0007 % syntax: [ fixStruct ]  = codeFixations( eyeTrack, windowSize, viewThreshold )
0008 %
0009 % Inputs:
0010 %       eyeTrack: vector  of complex (x+i*y) coordinates.  -1-i1  to identify
0011 %           missing data. Data should be scaled according to the image dimensions.
0012 %           See function 'scaleEyeTrack'.
0013 %       windowSize: integer of consecutive frames which should be within a
0014 %           threshold of distance from one another (to be considered a
0015 %           fixation) , ( 6 is good value for 60 Hz)
0016 %       viewThreshold: euclidean distance within which eye positions are
0017 %           considered part of same fixation, 15 is a good number for 30 px
0018 %           diameter
0019 %
0020 % Outputs:
0021 %       fixStruct, having
0022 %       fixStruct.fixDurVector: vector of (fx1),  for duration of fications
0023 %       fixStruct.fixPosVector: in format [ x x x ... x;
0024 %                                                          y y y ... y]
0025 %       fixStruct.fixationVector: (N by1) vector having 0 where no fixations, then 1, 2 ,3,
0026 %           and so on for the fixations in the sequence
0029 function [ fixStruct ] = codeFixationsDist( eyeTrack, windowSize, viewThreshold )
0031     if nargin < 2
0032         windowSize = 6;
0033     end
0034     if nargin < 3
0035         viewThreshold = 15;
0036     end
0038     numSamples =  length( eyeTrack);
0039     fixationVector = zeros(numSamples ,1);  
0040     fixDurVector = zeros(numSamples ,1);  
0041     fixPosVector = zeros( 2, numSamples );
0042     startPos = 1; 
0044     fixIndex = 1;  fixLength = 0; k1 = 1;
0045     while  ( fixIndex~=-1 ) && (startPos < numSamples ) 
0046         %     [k1 fixIndex fixLength]
0047         [fixIndex fixPosition fixLength] = findFixation(  eyeTrack, windowSize, viewThreshold, startPos );
0048         startPos = fixIndex + fixLength;
0049         if  fixIndex~=-1 
0050             fixationVector( fixIndex:(fixIndex+fixLength-1)) = k1;
0051             fixPosVector(:,k1 ) = fixPosition(:);
0052             fixDurVector(k1,1) = fixLength;
0053             k1 = k1+1;
0054         end
0056     end
0057     fixPosVector(:,k1:end) = []; %clean up unused parts
0058     fixDurVector( k1+1:end) = [];
0061     % eliminate first fixation if it coincides with the
0062     % fixation slide ( start of sequence)
0063     if fixationVector(1) == 1
0064         fixationVector( fixationVector==1) = 0;
0065         fixationVector( fixationVector ~= 0 ) = fixationVector( fixationVector ~= 0 )-1;
0066         fixPosVector( :,1) = [];
0067         fixDurVector(1) = [];
0068     end
0070     fixStruct.fixPosVector = fixPosVector;
0071     fixStruct.fixDurVector = fixDurVector;
0072     fixStruct.fixationVector = fixationVector;
0074 end
0075 %---------------------------------------------------
0077 % Outputs:
0078 %      fixIndex: integer index for beginning of fixation. -1 if none found
0079 %      fixPosition: vector of the fixation position (mean of the window) -1 if none found
0080 %      fixLength: : integer specifying total length of fixation, -1 if none found
0082 function [fixIndex, fixPosition, fixLength] = findFixation(  eyeTrack, windowSize, viewThreshold, startPos )
0084     %--------------------------------------------------------
0085     %--------------- initialize -----------------------
0087     minTracksToConsider = floor( 2/3 * windowSize ); % integer, specifying minimum samples
0088                         %   tracked when calculating fixation
0089     eyeTrack =  [ real( eyeTrack(:)) imag(eyeTrack(:)) ]'; % in [ x x ... x; y y ... y ]
0090     maxPos = size( eyeTrack,2) - windowSize+1;
0091     fixPosition = -1; fixLength = -1;
0092     fixIndex = -1; % will stay -1 if none found
0094     % specify search start position
0095     if nargin < 4 || isempty( startPos )   
0096         i1 = 0;
0097     else
0098         i1 =  startPos-1;
0099     end
0101     %--------------------------------------------------------
0102     %-----------find fixation position --------------------------
0103     while (i1 < maxPos) && (fixIndex==-1)
0104         %increment, until start with not missing if necessary
0105          i1 =  i1+1;     
0106         while (i1 < maxPos) && (eyeTrack(1,i1)==-1) 
0107             i1 =  i1+1; 
0108         end
0110         % select window of windowSize samples, expand if
0111         % too much missing data or if last sample is missing
0112         i2 = 0; %for expanding window
0113         window = eyeTrack(:, i1:(i1+windowSize-1));
0114         missIdx = find( window(1,:) == -1 );
0115         window( :, missIdx ) = [];
0117         while ( (size( window,2) < minTracksToConsider ) || ...
0118                     (eyeTrack(1, i1+windowSize-1+i2)==-1)  ) ...
0119                      && (i1+i2)<maxPos  % do not expand too far
0120             i2 = i2+1;
0121             window = eyeTrack(:, i1:(i1+windowSize-1+i2));
0122             missIdx = find( window(1,:) == -1 );
0123             window( :, missIdx ) = [];
0124         end
0126         % determine if fixation based on viewThreshold
0127         if size( window,2) >= minTracksToConsider %handle missing data
0128             dist = calc2Dist( mean(window,2), window); %euclidean distance from mean to all
0129             if max( dist ) < viewThreshold
0130                 fixIndex = i1; %store fixation position
0131                 fixPosition =  mean(window,2);
0132             end        
0133         end    
0135     end
0137     %---------------------------------------------------------
0138     %-----------find fixation duration ( if fixation found)------------
0140     if  fixIndex ~= -1
0142         % initialize for keeping track/convenience
0143         eyeTrack(:,1:fixIndex-1) = [];
0144         missingIndices = 1:size(eyeTrack,2);
0145         knownIndices = missingIndices( eyeTrack(1,:)~=-1);
0146         missingIndices( eyeTrack(1,:)~=-1) = [];
0147         eyeTrack( :, missingIndices) = [];  
0149          % find furthest index within threshold distance
0150          dist = calc2Dist( fixPosition, eyeTrack);
0151          i1 =1;
0152          while  (i1<=length(dist)) && (dist(i1) < viewThreshold) 
0153              i1 = i1+1; 
0154          end;      
0155          fixLength = knownIndices(i1-1);
0156     end
0157 end

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